Cooperation with schools of Podilskiy district is continuing
The modern person must be fully developed, initiative, ingenious, must have a considerable supply of knowledge, skills and abilities to be competitive in the conditions of the instability and diversity of the market economy. In connection with these changes, all school vocational guidance work should promote the professional self-identification of students, first of all, the identification and development of aptitudes and abilities, the formation of motives for choosing a profession, professional interests, moral and other qualities important for future work.
In the middle and upper grades, when the content of vocational guidance is aimed at forming students in professional self-knowledge, identifying their own dominant in the field of professional self-determination, it is necessary to help the professors of ZOOs, arranging meetings with them, interviews, providing individual and group consultations, organizing and conducting trainings, interviews, seminars with elements of discussion, involving students in the project activity, that is, to create conditions for effective self-realization of students in the field of professional self-determination through their participation in theoretical and practical measures of the vocational guidance direction.
Professional guidance work at the senior level school involves activating the students' interests in choosing a profession, forming in them an adequate understanding of the essence of the profession as such, the significance of the process of self-determination. That is why on January 17, 2019 the assistant professor of the Department of English for technical and agrobiological specialties Ponomarenko O.G. visited the Podilsky secondary schools № 114, № 243, № 242 where he introduced the students of 10 - 11 classes with the structure of our university, informed about the licensed specialties, which study, priority areas of study, double diploma, conditions of admission to our higher education, which gives participation in the Olympiad at the entrance and attending preparatory courses, developed infrastructure, cultural and sports and sports and also invited the excursion to the NULES and the Open Door Days in 2019.
Associate professor of the English language department
for technical and agrobiological specialties
O. Ponomarenko