Separated subdivision of NUBiP of Ukraine «Mukachevo Agricultural College»

Address: 89600, Ukraina, Transcarpathian region, the city of Mukachevo, st. Matrosov, 32

Tel.: (03131) 2-20-20




SS NUBiP Ukraine the "Mukachivskiy agrarian college" is the separated subdivvision of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (NUBiP of Ukraine). A college conducts the activity in accordance with the Constitution of Ukraine, Laws of Ukraine  „About education”, „About higher education” other current laws of Ukraine, Regulation of NUBiP of Ukraine, Statute about the separated subdivision of the University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine „The Agrarian College of Mukachevo ”.  One of priority directions of  the college activity   is the expansion of connections with the University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine. For the valuable providing of educational process, proper practical preparation of future specialists, 54 cabinets and laboratories are working in the college. Educational  process in the college is provided by 96 regular   teachers .  Nowadays  the college carries out educational activity which provides preparation of specialists on the basis of basic school and  graduates will get  educationally qualification by a level „Junior Specialist” after specialities:
5.09010103, „ Agronomy”,
5.09010102,  „Organization of farming”,
5.03050901, „ Accounting”,
5.03050801, „Finances and credit",
5.14010301, „Tourism service",
5.11010101, „Veterinary medicine”,
5.03040101, „Jurisprudence”.

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