October 16, 2018

What deep thought is put into the phrase "choice of profession", how much emotions and expectations it causes, raises problems! This is not just a successful or unsuccessful decision in youth, but sometimes a happy or broken destiny, active, creative, joyous life or passive, indifferent one.
Each school graduate is at the crossroads of hundreds of roads and asks himself the question: "Where to go?", "What profession to choose?". For this purpose, the student of the first course of agrobiological faculty Victor Melnyk visited the pupils of Denyhivska school I-III degrees of the Kyiv region and shared his impressions of studying at the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine. During the conversation students were informed about the professions and specialties of the university, were invited to the open day and received useful information and hand-out materials.
Thanks to the leadership of Denyhivska school for the warm welcome of the graduate and we wish each student not to be mistaken in his choice and get a favorite profession that will contribute to the development and prosperity of our country - Ukraine.

Lilia Pylypenko, assistant of the English language department for technical
and agrobiological specialties
Viktor Melnyk, the first year student

To Applicants (синій)Press-centreRegional Educational Institutions (синій)

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