Further cooperation with Warsaw University of Life Sciences

September 27, 2018

     Rector Stanislav Nikolaienko and vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical work, international activity and development Vadym Tkachuk, visited Warsaw University of Life Sciences. This short-term trip became possible on the invitation of rector Wiesław Bielawski.

     The rector of this Polish university, vice-rectors, deans of departments took part in bilateral talks. Two parties discussed the agreement on double diplomas and common areas of research.
     The rectors discussed the reforms in higher education in Ukraine and Poland, particularly a new system of funding. Currently, Poland is undergoing some changes. A list of foci and specialties is being narrowed down and the funding will directly be done by the rector’s office but not by the department authorities as it was before. There will no longer exist the position of financial chancellor. On the opposite, in Ukraine the position of financial chancellor is just being introduced. Polish educational community came to the conclusion that these functions will better be performed by the vice-rector. It is interesting that when the financial system has changed, more attention will be paid to qualification of faculty staff. The suggestion is that one teacher should teach 13 students irrespective of the specialty. One more principle is that the financing should be constant; it can fluctuate between 99 and 106%. It is highly impossible that the department is financed this year, though the next year it is not financed and all teachers are fired, an in a year the department is again financed and the teachers are hired again …

     The parties shared their ideas about the system of enrollment to a higher school. In Poland higher establishments enroll their students on the basis of exams and school certificates. Ministry of education does not intrude into this process. The same happens as with Bachelors so with Master students as well. Universities are autonomous in this right. Moreover, university also decides how many students they want to enroll. It depends on the license and faculty staff of a university. That is why Polish universities usually enroll a group of students but not two or three students.
     The system of governance is also being reformed in Poland. The autonomy of universities is being extended. Starting from 2019 a rector receives the right to assign deans of faculties and heads of institutes. Delegates from among the employees will elect a rector at the conference. For instance, in Warsaw University of Life Sciences they are 200.

    Rector Stanislav Nikolaienko was also presented the facilities and sports infrastructure of the university-partner.
     The talks continue.

Denys Ruden

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