Entering into an active independent life, every young generation solves the problems of life, professional and social choice, and also tries to adequately assess their capabilities in accordance with the requirements of the chosen profession. Professional self-determination in the modern world is the most important aspect of personal development and full-fledged human life.
In order to strengthen the vocational guidance and presentation of our educational establishment, teachers of the Department of English for technical and agrobiological specialties (Associate Professor Ivanova O. V., Associate Professor Ponomarenko O.G., Associate professor Tsymbal SV, Associate Professor Berezova L.V.), in cooperation with the "Lybid" gymnasium, Podolsky district, Kyiv, joined the excursion program of the students of the 8th-10th forms of the Botanical Garden, museums, departments horse breeding and beekeeping of NULES of Ukraine, organized jointly with professors of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, teachers of the gymnasium and parents of pupils.
After numerous meetings with schoolchildren and their parents, it has been discovered that most young people seek to obtain high-quality higher education, which is the norm and the minimum standard for every young person.
That is why it is appropriate to familiarize students with an educational institution that provides high-quality higher education in its walls. Senior teenagers in the course of constructive communication provided comprehensive information on the benefits of studying at NUBIP of Ukraine, the rating of higher specialty represented at the humanities and pedagogical faculty, the ways of their obtaining, double diplomas, preparatory courses, privileges for admission to studies, given comprehensive answers to questions, prospects professional growth and skill, the rules of choosing a profession.
Strategies for the interaction of the gymnasium and the humanities and pedagogical faculty with regard to the support in the self-determination of schoolchildren in order to coordinate and coordinate their activities are developed. It was decided to consolidate the links between educational institutions and the cooperation agreement in order to combine efforts and joint activities within the framework of research, training, vocational guidance and extracurricular activities with schoolchildren.
Oksana Ponomarenko,
Associate professor of English language department
for technical and agrobiological specialties