April 12, 2018

 During March-April 2018, the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine is pleased to meet schoolchildren from different regions of Ukraine on the Days of Open Doors in its walls.  That is why the work of the student's vocational guidance teams has intensified, which inform students about the departments of the university as a whole and emphasize the humanities and pedagogical faculty.  Information is also provided on licensed specialties, on which studies are conducted, priority areas of training, double diploma, conditions for admission to our higher education, developed infrastructure, cultural and sports events.  As you know, the information is obtained from the participants of the educational process of our university, from the students themselves, have the greatest impression on the students.

Successful implementation of effective vocational guidance work in secondary schools attached to the humanities and pedagogical faculty during the provision of vocational guidance services in order to achieve students' motivation to acquire a certain specialty presented at the faculty, based on maximizing the use of information opportunities in the process of vocational guidance, are included in the vocational guidance  work of active students freshmen Melnyk Ivan, Oleksiyko Oleksandr, Kolyada Andriy, who conducted professional orientation work  for 11th grade 197 and 33 secondary schools of  Kyiv, Kuzminogrebelska secondary school Cherkasy region.
O. Ponomarenko
To Applicants (синій)Press-centreRegional Educational Institutions (синій)

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