March 9, 2018

 Effective implementation of vocational guidance at schools of Podilskyi District is provided by a systematic approach, activating the interests of students to the choice of professions presented at the Humanities and Pedagogical Faculty. That is why, the assistant professor of the English language department for technical and agrobiological specialties Ponomarenko O.G. On March 06, 2018, attended gymnasium number 34 "Lybid" of the Podilsky district of Kyiv to assist in the professional self-determination of the students by familiarizing them with the structure of our university, informed about the licensed specialties, which are being taught, the priority areas of study, double diploma, the conditions for admission to our university, the developed infrastructure, cultural and sport events.

Within the framework of cooperation between this school and the Department of English for technical and agrobiological specialties of the humanities and pedagogical faculty, it is offered to teachers of foreign languages to attend a scientific and methodological seminar for teachers of the English language "Are you listening to me? Listening skills enhancing " in order to combine efforts and joint activities within the framework of research, training, vocational guidance and extracurricular activities with schoolchildren.

O. Ponomarenko

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