28 February 2018, 14:24
Undoubtedly, every educated person, every qualified specialist  should know English today. English is the official language of international business and trade, the Internet and technology, science and the arts. 80% of the business language space occupies it. Evrybody meets with English communication during travel, in a professional environment, while working with a computer. English language is used when filling out questionnaires, writing summaries, in business and private correspondence. Speaking English is no longer an amazing skill, but a necessity. Teachers of the Department of English for technical and agrobiological specialties focus the attention of students of humanities and pedagogy and other faculties, on the importance and necessity of learning English. That is why teachers of the Department of English for technical and agrobiological specialties with their students on February 27, 2018 organized a meeting with Michael Hudson and Lidia Orischuk, senior methodologists at the International Education and Training Center Dinternal Education, English teachers (CELTA, MA Applied Linguistics, TESOL , DTLLS), certified examiners of Pearson Test of English (PTE) international examinations.
Pearson methodologists are always at the forefront of current English language teaching trends and teach English teachers the latest techniques and teaching techniques. Their products, not just printed media, but also multimedia applications, on-line components and interactive whiteboards, help improve teaching efficiency, bring satisfaction and motivate students to improve their language proficiency.
O. Ponomarenko
To Applicants (синій)Regional Educational Institutions (синій)Press-centre

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