Round Table "Formation of Language Competence of Students: International Experience"

October 27, 2017

 On October 27, 2017, a round table discussion was held on the basis of the Humanities and Pedagogy Faculty: "Formation of Language Competency of Students: International Experience" within the framework of the project "Development of the New Concept of Foreign Language Preparation for Different Adult Groups in Nonformal Education". Students, masters, teachers of departments of English philology, Romance and Germanic languages ​​and translation, foreign philology and translation, English for technical and agrobiological specialties, social pedagogy and information technologies in education and the Center for the Language Study (Wroclav) ​​took part in the discussion and exchanged experience. The presentation was given by Associate Professor of the Department of Modern Languages ​​of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics Korotun Elena Olexandrivna on "Foreign Students in Ukrainian Universities: Linguistic and Cultural Aspect". 



In addition, during the meeting, participants attended the meeting, not only to listen to interesting reports from the representatives of the Polish Center for the Language Study, but also to discuss issues related to the need to improve the language training of students who get education in double diploma programs, participate in international grant programs, exchange programs and other activities aimed at optimizing and expanding academic mobility. Students and teachers emphasized that participation in international educational and scientific programs required the presence of a high level of foreign language communication competence, since the very high level of its formation gives future specialists the opportunity to effectively carry out foreign-language, interpersonal and intercultural communication.




The guests were pleasantly impressed with the fact that in the process of professional training of students of all specialties the innovative information technologies that have a direct influence on all spheres of life of modern mankind are widely used. Students and lecturers have proudly noted that in our university powerful tool for introducing innovative information technologies is the Moodle software and instrumental platform, on the basis of which an educational portal is created and actively used, providing interaction among all participants in the educational process.



Inna Savitskaya
deputy dean of Humanities and Pedagogical Faculty
Natalya Aristova
Head of the Department of English Philology
Iryna Hrytsenko


Senior Lecturer at the Department of Romance and Germanic languages and translation


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