November 16, 2017

Vocational guidance and professional counseling work with young people becomes especially relevant at the completion stage by secondary school students.  Within the framework of vocational guidance work, teachers of the English language department for technical and agrobiological specialties O.Ponomarenko  and A. Naidonova  an innovative form of interconnection with secondary education institutions has been launched.  On November 16, 2017, at the parents' meeting for grades 9-11, a meeting took place between the teachers and the directorate of the Podolsk gymnasium №34 "Lybid" named after them.  V.Maksimenko, parents of senior pupils, and teachers of the Humanities and Pedagogical Faculty.

When communicating with students of the first year students of different faculties of NULES, it was discovered that parents had a significant influence on the choice of students.  In the process of constructive communication, comprehensive information was provided on the benefits of studying at NUBIP of Ukraine, the rating of higher specialty presented at the Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy, the ways of obtaining them, double diplomas, preparatory courses, privileges for admission to studies, and given comprehensive answers to the questions of parents.

Strategies for the interaction of the gymnasium and the humanities and pedagogical faculty with regard to the support in the self-determination of schoolchildren in order to coordinate and coordinate their activities are developed.  It was decided to consolidate the links between educational institutions and the cooperation agreement in order to combine efforts and joint activities within the framework of research, training, vocational guidance and extracurricular activities with schoolchildren.


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