3 November 2017, 8:02

2 and 3 November 2017 teachers of the English language department for technical and agrobiological specialties Ivanova O.V., Ponomarenko O.G. and Naidonova A.V. attended the Educational Forum, which held the educational company of Pearson in Ukraine, the Digital Literary Book for English language teaching staff.

During the first day of the event was a performance of invited specialists. Speakers at the plenary sessions were experts from Ukraine, Great Britain and Poland. The second day was devoted to interactive specialized sessions, which were prepared by international experts and professors of high educational establishments of Ukraine. During the Forum, lecturers had the opportunity to chat with their colleagues, exchange experiences, demonstrate their achievements, and also consulted with their colleagues-practitioners (teachers from Great Britain, Japan and Poland). During the Forum, discussions took place on a wide range of issues and debates on current and future trends in the teaching and learning of English, which contributed to the accumulation of useful information and the possibilities for its implementation in the walls of our university, as well as arrangements for organizing a seminar on the Humanities and Pedagogy faculty.

Modern scientific research and rapid technological development dictate the need to introduce innovative methods and approaches that meet the challenges of the information age. Educational experts Piotr Steinbrik, Michael Hudson, Colm Smith, expressed their views and views on the prospects and future of the educational process. The themes of creative workshops included 1) On-line learning 2) Testing and evaluating language skills 3) Learning resources for adult learners and students.

Oksana Ponomarenko

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