Department of Administrative Management and Foreign Economic Activity in process of International accreditation of AgriMBA Program

October 25, 2017
Faculty of Ag Management

On October 22-26, 2017 MBA-students of Faculty of Agrarian Management have an opportunity to take a course "Formation and Analysis of Agricultural Prices" in English from Dr. Rico Ihle (Wageningen University&Research, The Netherlands).

Dr. Rico Ihle is an expert in agricultural economics, agricultural policy analysis and quantative research methods. He has an experience in teaching at University of Göttingen (Germany), University of Hohenheim (Germany), University for Development Studies (Ghana) and University of Talca (Chile).
His teaching focuses on agricultural economics and agricultural policy analysis as well as quantitative research methods. He has taught at Göttingen University, Hohenheim University (Germany), the University for Development Studies (Ghana) and Talca University (Chile). At WUR he is currently teaching the BSc courses Economics and Governance in Historical Perspective (RHI-10806) and Agriculture, Food and Policy (AEP-21806) as well as the MSc course Economics of European Integration: Agricultural, Rural and Regional Policy Analysis (AEP-30306). He has organized several study tours, e.g., to the FAO, to the OECD, to Belarus and to Slovakia.
Dr. Rico Ihle CV is available at


During the classes MBA students have had a unique chance to:
- obtain a good understanding of the basics of the formation of agricultural and food prices;
- obtain sound theoretical background knowledge on the mechanisms and determinants of price formation;
- obtain sound knowledge on statistical properties of food prices

- practice using standard software to conduct an example analysis for own use later on, that is,
     - practice interpreting and getting aware of the benefits of statistical measures and
     - practice efficient and effective data management and analysis documentation.


Visit was organaized under the MBA program reaccreditation process which has international accreditation by AGRIMBA ICA Standing Committee since 2002.

Responsible persons for visit organization – Anatolii Ostapchuk, Dean of Faculty of Agrarian Management, and Valeriy Galushko, Head of Department of Administrative Management and Foreign Economic Activity at Faculty of Agrarian Management.
Faculty of Agrarian Management appreciates to Faculty of Information Technologies and Dean Olena Glazunova for support and cooperation.

Olena Kovtun
Head of international programs
Faculty of agrarian management



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