Students of the Faculty of Economics of specialty "Accounting and Taxation" successfully passed competitive selection for internship at the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine

June 23, 2019

The Ministry of Finance of Ukraine announced a competition for a summer internship in the Department of Database Monitoring and Payment Verification for senior students of financial, economic and IT specialties. Among the requirements to candidates were: study at the senior courses of financial, economic and IT specialties; experience in statistical analysis of data and development of economic and mathematical models; conducting of economic researches and having skills in working with statistical and econometric packages (Stata, EViews, Matlab, etc.); fluency in English. Competitive selection was carried out in stages (Phase I - submission of CV and motivational letters; Phase II - interview with candidates; III stage - recommendation for internship). Six Masters of the specialty "Accounting and Taxation" (O. Gnes, R. Gorbunenko, Y. Grishchenko, A. Dudnichenko, O. Kryvoshey, N. Pinchuk) and five Bachelors of the field of study "Accounting and Audit" (O. Kovtunyak, K. Krokotenko, N.-V. Lysenko, V. Shvets, Y. Shenderivska) in the submitted CVs and motivational letters reasonably proved the presence of high analytical abilities, responsibility, organization, initiative and desire to work and study. The Ministry of Finance of Ukraine has registered applications of 30 students from different universities of Ukraine, because informing about this event took place in extremely limited terms.
Four students of NULES of Ukraine were invited to participate in the final round, including Vasyl Shvets, Roman Gorbunenko, Natalia-Victoria Lysenko and Yuliia Shenderivska. Recommended candidates took a professional written test and interview. Сompetition commission of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine determined the compliance of professional level to the requirements of vacancies (the number of which was rather limited).

Two of our students, Roman Gorbunenko and Yuliia Shenderivska, are recommended for internship and conducting of analytical researches about impact of State Taxation and Customs Policy to the country's economy, estimation of efficiency of the taxation system and the modeling of taxes and fees in the newly created Department of Database Monitoring and Payment Verification.

Congratulations to our winners and wish of professional accomplishments on their way
to a gradual career growth!

Yevgeniya Kalyuga,
Head of the Department of Accounting and Taxation

To Applicants (синій)Regional Educational Institutions (синій)Press-centre

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