Department of Botany, Dendrology and Forest Tree Breeding

Student scientific botany group "Green plant"

 Green Plant

   The main directions of science work
· Geobotanical and floristic research
· Research of rare plants populations
· Research of morphological and anatomical features of plants

· Research on productivity of nature meadows
· Research on freshwater plant species and vegetation

Practical skills

   The members of the “Green Plant” have research on phytodiversity and vegetation of different regions of Ukraine. During group meetings, the members receive practical skills of science research of rare plants populations, morphological and anatomical features of plants and productivity of plant communities. At the same time the group members assimilate the scientific terminology in English, which provide them to take a part in scientific conferences and use a new knowledge in the English language for personal communication with English speaking scientists.

Science researches

    The students provide a field and lab works and analyze the data of the received materials. Moreover they have an activity in scientific research topics of the botany department. Received knowledge has used by the members of the “Green Plant” as background for arrangement of their graduation bachelor and magister works.

As a good tradition, the members of the “Green Plant” have activity on different conferences, symposiums, workshops etc.
Development strategy of scientific botany group
· Supporting of students scientific researches.
· Creating connections between members of the group and different scientists on botany area.
· Ensuring participation for members of “Green Plant” in scientific topics on Department of botany.

   The members of the circle “Green Plant” took part in the 73rd Annual All-Ukrainian student academic and practical conference “Scientific enquiry of the youth for sustainable development of forestry complex and Landscape-Park Management” (21 March 2019 – NULES, Kyiv, Ukraine), and made reports on section “Botany”.
    The list of the students who participated in the conference:
Daria O. Bendas – Peach-leaved bellflower (Campanula persicifolia L.),
Olha О. Prydatko – Short Spurred Fragrant Orchid. (Gymnadenia odoratissima (L.) Rich. (=Orchis odoratissima L.)),
Mykhailo О. Kovbasa – Martagon lily (Lilium martagon L.),
Maksym L. Orel – Garland flower (Daphne cneorum L.),
Myroslava І. Petrenko – Pheasant's Eye (Adonis vernalis L.) is a rare plant of Poltava region,
Bohdan М. Dmytrenko – Two-grooved milkvetch (Astragalus dasyanthus Pall.) is the rare plant of the Cherkasy region (Ukraine),
Viktoriia R. Beliasnyk – Lesser butterfly-orchid (Platanthera bifolia (L.) Rich.),
Oleksandr S. Kirichuk – Common spotted orchid (Dactylorhiza fuchsii (Druce) Soó),
Vladyslav S. Rud – The rare plants of the Poltava region,
Anatolii S. Naumenko – Peculiarities of Betula obscura А.Kotula,
Dmytro M. Kvasha – Chamomile grape-fern is rare plant of the Cherkasy region
Roman S. Motrych – Peculiarities of Fritillaria meleagroides Patrin ex Schult. et Schult.f.,
Tetiana М. Syrotenko – Pheasant's Eye (Adonis vernalis L.) and its using in medicine
Serhii V. Babii – Productivity evaluation of table grapes in the conditions of Romanivskyi district of the Zhytomyr region (Ukraine),
Artem О. Klymenko – Wild garlic (Allium ursinum L.),
Mykhailo О. Hubin – Fir clubmoss (Huperzia selago L. (L.) Bernh. ex Schrank & Mart.),
Viktor V. Ratashniuk – Burning bush (Dictamnus albus L.),
Uliana V. Torop – Cloth-of-gold crocus (Crocus reticulatus Steven ex Adams).

       After participating in the 73rd Annual All-Ukrainian student academic and practical conference “Scientific enquiry of the youth for sustainable development of forestry complex and Landscape-Park Management” (21 March 2019 – NULES, Kyiv, Ukraine) with the report “Productivity evaluation of table grapes in the conditions of Romanivskyi district of the Zhytomyr region (Ukraine)” Serhii V. Babii received the diploma of the second class.



      The members of the circle “Green Plant” research plant communities and flora of the Kyiv region, get acquainted with species of botanical garden in NULES of Ukraine, investigate the peculiarities of the plants in the laboratory of the plant morphogenesis and geobotany.




The students of the science circle “Green plant” during the quarantine of COVID–19 collect and identify plants (2020)




The members of the circle “Green Plant” research plants in the herbarium of the department of botany, dendrology and forest tree breeding (2021)



The students of the science circle “Green plant” research the life cycle of Mucor mucedo L. (2021)



In the botanical garden of NULES of Ukraine the students of the science circle “Green plant”
study the features of vegetative organs of woody plants in winter (2021)



Members of the student circle “Green plant” collect, identify and mount plants (June, 2021)



 Students of the science circle “Green plant” study morphological peculiarities of plants

in the botanical garden and greenhouse of NULES of Ukraine (August, 2021)


 Members of the science circle “Green plant” in Forestry and educational center

(Botanical garden, NULES of Ukraine, October, 2022)


Members of the science circle “Green plant” in the Botanical garden (NULES of Ukraine, April, 2023) 


Students of the science circle “Green plant” in the botanical garden of NULES of Ukraine (August, 2023)

Students of the science circle «Green plant» in the laboratory of biotechnology and cell engineering of NULES of Ukraine (March, 2024)

Students of the science circle «Green plant» study the morphological peculiarities of ephemeroids in the botanical garden of NULES of Ukraine (April, 2024)


Members of the science circle «Green plant» took part in the botany olympiad (NULES of Ukraine, March, April, 2024)

2016-2017 year:


2017-2018 year:

Green plants_working plan_2017-2018

Green plants_report 1_2017-2018
Green plants_report 2_2017-2018

2018-2019 year:

Green plants_Work Plan 2018-2019

2019-2020 year:

Green-plant report 2020
Green-plant work-plan 2020

2020-2021 year:

Green-plant report 2021
Green-plant work-plan 2021

2021-2022 year:

Green-plant report 2022
Presentation about work the botany group "Green plant"

2022-2023 year:

Green-plant work-plan 2022

Green-plant work-plan 2023

Green-plant report 2023

2023-2024 year:

Green-plant report 2024

Presentation about work the botany group "Green plant"

Green-plant work-plan 2024-2025






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