Professions of the future together with NULES of Ukraine

May 13, 2017

How to choose the right profession, which simultaneously brings you satisfaction and money? How to help graduates in choosing profession? Which professions are the professions of the future?

All the answers can be given by NULES students because the main stage of professional orientation is informational stage, where it is important to give the information about the tendencies of the development of new branches and new specialties and available and noteworthy high schools. Consultations about professions’ choice from NULES students help you change your life for the better, and find your favourite occupation.

Third-year students-philologists of the faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy NULES of Ukraine Yuliia Voloshchuk and Tamara Bulyma acquainted the pupils of specialized school # 305 (which is in Darnytsa district of the capital of our country) with specialties of our university, entry rules and priorities of studying here.

Final-year pupils were interested in learning about NULES of Ukraine situated in picturesque Holosievo, different specialties it proposes, especially on the faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy, where except prestigious and traditional specialties, such as “Philology” and “Social work”, it can also propose new and interesting “International Relationships, Social Communications and Regional Studio”, “Psychology”.
Looking forward to future students from Darnytsa, Kyiv.

Oksana Ivanova,
Head of the Department

To Applicants (синій)Press-centreRegional Educational Institutions (синій)

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