Student of Faculty of Economics Oleksandr Kalyuga has worthily presented University at the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works «New ideas. New possibilities»

May 6, 2017

 Finale of the II All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works «New ideas. New possibilities» 2017 was held 4 on May at the Department of Foreign Languages of the Faculty of Finance and Economics at the SHEE «Vadym Getman Kyiv National Economic  University». Students of all courses from about twenty higher educational establishments from Kyiv and Kyiv region took part at this competition. Competition Commission noted a fairly high level of theoretical and practical level of presented works.
 Winner (III place) at the section "Actual research in the modern world" among 1-2 year students became first-year student of the Faculty of Economics NULES of Ukraine Oleksandr Kalyuga (research advisors: Ph.D., Associate Professor of Accounting and Taxation Department Kuzyk Nataliya and Senior Lecturer of English Philology Department Xrystyuk Svitlana Borysivna). An accomplished scientific work in English "International and national practice of accounting for intangible assets" can be presented at the KNEU’s 84th Annual Scientific Student Conference "Socio-economic prospects of Ukraine in the XXI century" by winner.
Congratulations to first-year student of field of study "Accounting and Taxation" Oleksandr Kalyuga and his research advisors N.P. Kuzyk and S.B. Xrystyuk! We wish them new interesting ideas and projects! We hope that this experience will be another step at the way of Your professional growth!


L.V. Melyankova, Ph.D., Associate Professor of

Accounting and Taxation Department

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