The University of Alfred Nobel HELD second round of Ukrainian Olympiad from specialty "Accounting and Auditing"

April 20, 2017

 Pursuant to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine №1495 of December 9, 2016 "On a nationwide student competition in the 2016/2017 academic year" to seek and support gifted students April 19, 2017 at the University of Alfred Nobel launched the second phase Ukrainian student competition in the specialty "Accounting and auditing". In intellectual competition was attended by 72 universities from different regions of Ukraine - a total of about 140 students from different courses financial professions. The first day of the official opening of the Olympics, which welcomed the participants, jury members and accompanying teachers appealed University President Boris Holod.
"All of you - already winners, because already overcome the difficult path to the Dnieper and weather problems and obstacles. I think all of you professionally share the views of John F. Kennedy, 35th US President, who claimed that the accounting and financial reporting - it is the universal language of business. And that it not only connects you all, but each opens great opportunities. Let your stay in our University will bring you pleasure and professional manners! "
Also, all those present with short congratulatory speeches about the content and program of the Olympics approached Professor Sergey V. Kuz'minov, chairman of the organizing committee of the Olympics, Vice President for research and educational work, organization and development of the scientific process and international activities, and Professor Peter Y. Atamas, head of international Finance, accounting and taxation.
Faculty of Economics NULES Ukraine was represented by two students: 4th year training direction "Accounting and Auditing" Oles Kovtunyak and 1st year of Master specialty "Accounting and Taxation" Svetlana Tischenko. Training students to participate in the second stage of the Ukrainian student competition conducted directly: Ph.D. professor, head of accounting and taxation E.V Kalyuha; Associate dots.Tyvonchuk S.V .; Ph.D., Assoc. Kuzyk N.P .; Ph.D. Assoc., dean of the Faculty of Economic Shish A.M and other leading teachers of the department.
During the competition, participants solved the written and practical tests in the following subjects: "Financial Accounting", "Management Accounting", "Business analysis", "Audit". When performing tasks participants were using the computer for testing.
The jury assessed the participants, which included experts in accounting and auditing of the leading universities of Ukraine: Ternopil National Economic University, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Donetsk National University named after Vasyl Stus, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, and others.
The results of Student Olympiad Svetlana Tischenko took third place, and IV respectively Olesya Kovtunyak place.

Participants of competition noted the high level of the contest at the University of Alfred Nobel, powerful competitors from other universities. In addition to performing competitive challenges, the program three-day event organized city tour.
Congratulations to the winners with the wishes them further success and academic achievements!

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