The results of the Ukrainian Student Scientific Conference "Development of accounting, control, analysis and taxation in modern information environment"

April 26, 2017

 April 26, 2017 department: accounting and tax statistics and economic analysis of the economic faculty together with other educational institutions of Ukraine (accomplices): Kiev National University behalf of Taras Shevchenko, Kyiv National Economic University behalf of Hetman, Lutsk National Technical University, Lviv Trade and Economic University, Ternopil Economic University held Ukrainian student scientific conference "Development of accounting, control, analysis and taxation in the modern information environment.

The plenary session of the conference opened with a greeting, Dean of the Faculty of Economics, e. E.., Professor A.D Dubrava, head of accounting and taxation Prof. E. Kalyuha and Head of the Department of Statistics and Economic Analysis Prof. V.K Savchuk. In their speeches, noted the importance of such events for students that promote their active participation in scientific work.

Welcoming remarks and wishes of further success in learning and obtaining new scientific achievements was the manager of public relations of the newspaper "All of accounting," Inna Druchylo.

At a meeting of the conference attended by students of 2-4 courses of training direction "Accounting and Auditing" Masters 1 year teaching profession "Accounting and Taxation" and faculty departments, Ph.D., Assoc. Hurenko T.O, Ph.D., Assoc. Derevianko SI, Ph.D., Assoc. Kuzyk N.P, Ph.D., associate professor Melyankova L.V, Ph.D., associate professor Melnichenko I.V, Ph.D., p. Teacher Volyak L.R, p. Teacher Kryvorot A.G and guests of the conference.

The conference continued reports of students in the important questions of accounting, analysis, control and audit in Ukraine and abroad.

Following the conference, the students with the best presentations were awarded:

Diplomas by:
1place - Krivoshey Alexander;
2nd place - Panicheva Tatiana, Palahuta Nataliya, Kovalenko Vita, Gorbunenko Roman, Kozachyshyna Diana, Usyk Catherine;
Diplomas - 3 place: Vladislav Aleshin, Zaburannyi Natalia, Kharchenko Anastasia Namazylo Anna, Dyhodyuk Irina, Olga Melnichenko.
Ukrainian student scientific conference "Development of accounting, control, analysis and taxation in the modern information environment" was held at a high organizational and scientific level.

The results of a scientific student conference indicate the need to discuss issues of improving accounting, analysis, control and audit in the current socio-economic conditions of Ukraine's development of students' skills to find new areas of his scientific achievements. Following the conference, the training of Abstracts of the conference participants.

Congratulations to the winners and wish them further scientific achievements !!!

Melnichenko I.V, Ph.D., assistant professor of accounting and taxation.

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