Міжнародне стажування в Інституті Катона в США (Вашингтон). Грантова програма

April 12, 2017




Fall Semester: Early September to late December

  • Completed application by June 27; you will be notified by July 21.
  • International applicants: Completed application by June 1; you will be notified by June 30.

Spring Semester: Late January to late April

  • Completed application by November 1; you will be notified by December 1.
  • International applicants: Completed application by September 30; you will be notified by November 1.

Summer Semester: Late May to late August

  • Completed application by February 21; you will be notified by March 21.
  • International applicants: Completed application by February 21; you will be notified by March 21.

All potential Cato interns must fill out this application. This includes graduate students, legal interns, TFAS Capital Semester students, Metcalf Fellows, FTE interns, and Koch Fellows.

International applicants only: After completing the application, please send a resume or CV to [email protected]. If you are selected, we will need this resume/CV to begin the visa process. Domestic applicants should not send a resume/CV.

Захисти дисертаційНабір на навчання (синій)_2015Регіональні навчальні заклади (синій)

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