The department’s staff

Head of the Department
Natalia Puzrina

Phone: (044)-527-82-82

E-mail: [email protected]

    Ph.D. (2005), associate professor (2010). The author of 35 scientific and methodological works. Research interests are related to the study entomocomplex in forest biomes in Ukraine, security and protection of forest ecosystems.

   Courses for teaching them responsible, “Forest Entomology”, “Mathematical modeling of insect population dynamics”, “Prognosis pathogens and pests”.

      Provides graduate training. There are head final bachelor and master’s diploma.



Anatoliy Bondar

Phone: (044)527-82-82

E-mail: [email protected]

     Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, professor

     A. Bondar works for the department since 2006. He provides teaching of the following subject: “Increasing the productivity of forests Silviculture methods”.

    Scientific interests concerns the study of theoretical foundations and methods of creating and growing highly productive oak forest stands featuring exotic and native forest species in the central part of Ukraine


Petro Yavorovskyi

Phone: (044)527-82-82

E-mail: [email protected]

     Doctor of Agricultural Sciences

     P. Yavorovskyi works for the department since 2012. He provides teaching of the following subjects: “Research Methodology”, “Forest ecology”, “Recreational forestry”, “Forest pyrology”, “Fire ecology” and “Fire management”.

     Scientific interests concerns the study of improving cultivation planting material of decorative tree species, regulation of plant resistance to stress factors, monitoring fire danger in forests and the development of measures for its reduction, recreational green areas in settlements of Ukraine


Sergiy Zibtsev

Phone: (044)527-82-82

E-mail: [email protected]

      Doctor of Agricultural Sciences

     S. Zibtsev works for the department since 2000. He provides teaching of the following subjects: “Regulation of forest productivity”, “Forestry and forest resources around the world”, “Forest pyrology” and Master program subjects for students of research specialization “Wildfires theoretical basis – monitoring and risk reducing”.

    Scientific interests concerns the study of fire management, fire hazard, the energy potential of forest biomass, species and ecosystem diversity, environmental and radiation monitoring of forests, social aspects of Forest Stewardship Council (FSC).


Volodymyr Gryb

Phone: (044)527-82-82

E-mail: [email protected]

    Professor, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences (2013). Author and co-author of over 80 scientific publications, including 2 monographs, 5 patents for inventions. Was awarded with gratitude from Kyiv city mayor (2015).
       For which courses is responsible: Forestry tapping (Master's degree), Basics of forest exploitation (Forestry)


Anatoliy Goychuk

Phone: (044)-527-82-82

E-mail: [email protected]

    Doctor of Agricultural Sciences (1999), professor.


Associate Professor
Sergiy Sendonin

Phone: (044)527-82-82

E-mail: [email protected]

     S. Sendonin works for the department since 2006. He provides teaching of the following subjects: “Forest ecology”, “Applied Silviculture”, “Forest pyrology” and “Recreational forestry”.

      Scientific interests concerns the study of the influence of abiotic factors on natural regeneration of oak stands in the forest steppes zone of Ukraine.




Associate Professor
Vyacheslav Levchenko

Phone: (044)527-82-82

E-mail: [email protected]

       Candidate of Agricultural Sciences

     V. Levchenko works for the department since 2002. He provides teaching of the following subjects: “Forest ecology”, “Applied Silviculture”, “Biological basis of thinning”, “Forest pyrology” and “Forest fuels”.

       Scientific interests concerns the study of natural regeneration of forests tree species in Ukraine


Associate Professor
Olga Tokareva

Phone: (044)527-82-82

E-mail: [email protected]

       Candidate of Agricultural Sciences

     O. Tokareva works for the department since 2003. She provides teaching of the following subjects: “Forest ecology”, “Recreational forestry”, “Regulation of forest productivity”, “Basis of preparation of professional foresters”, “Non-timber forest resources” and “Fire behavior”.

    Scientific interests concerns the study of the recreational forests use assessment, phytoclimate, recreation impact on forest stands


Associate Professor
Andriy Vygovsjkyj

Phone: (044) 527-82-82

E-mail: [email protected]

     Candidate of technical sciences (2006). Author and co-author of over 50 scientific and methodical publications, including two monographs one textbook, 2 patents of Ukraine for utility model.
   For which courses is responsible: Mechanization of forestry work (Forestry), Mechanization Landscape Architecture (LA), Design of technical systems of forest complex (Bases of forest complex)


Associate Professor
Maksym Biloys

Phone: (044) 527-82-82

E-mail: [email protected]

    Candidate of Agricultural Sciences (2009). Author and co-author of over 45 scientific and methodical publications, including 2 monographs.
    For which courses is responsible: Forest roads and transport of forest and Forest transport. Conduct laboratory and practical studies, course projects and educational practices in the disciplines: “Mechanization of forestry work”, “Design of technical systems of forest complex”. Manages of preparation of final qualifying works of students degrees "Bachelor" and "Master".
    Scientific researches related to modern methods and technologies of reproduction of forest stands in conditions of anthropogenically altered agro lanscapes of Ukraine


Associate Professor
Vasyl Gumeniuk

Phone: (044)527-82-82

E-mail: [email protected]

       Candidate of Agricultural Sciences

     V. Gumeniuk works for the department since 2014. He provides teaching of the following subjects: “Forest ecology”, “Applied Silviculture”, “Recreational forestry”, “Regulation of forest productivity”, “Non-timber forest resources” and “Forest pyrology”.

      Scientific interests concerns the study of fire ecology, and in particular, post-fire succession of Scots pine stands of the Central Polissya of Ukraine, including biodiversity, tree state and regeneration


Associate Professor
Valentin Bilous

Phone: (044)-527-82-82

E-mail: [email protected]

    Ph.D. (2015). Author and co-author of more than 10 scientific papers. Research interests related to the restoration of natural populations of game species.

   Responsible for teaching courses "Forest Zoology", "Rational Use and Optimization of Hunting Lands ", "Hunting Resources of Ukraine and in the World", "Standardization and certification of hunting products", "Immobilization and transport of animals."

       Leading final bachelor and master thesis.


Senior lecturer
Ivanna Kulbanska

Phone: (044)-527-82-82

E-mail: [email protected]

      Ph.D. (2016). He is the author and co-author of more than 18 scientific papers. Research interests are related to the study of bacterioses of Ash forest stands in Ukraine.

   Responsible for teaching courses "Technology of Integrated Protection of Forest", "Forest Entomology", "Hunting tourism", "Аviary content of wild ratitles".


Head of Professor O.O.Salhanskiy museum of forest animals and birds
Sergiy Shevchenko

Phone: (044)-527-82-82

E-mail: [email protected]

 Author and co-author of 11 scientific publications, 1 monograph.


Senior laboratory assistant
Sofiya Gorbachenko

Phone: (044)527-82-82

E-mail: [email protected]

   S. Gorbachenko works for the department since 1986. She provides organization of educational process and clerical work of department


Senior laboratory assistant
Asmik Ditkovska

Phone: (044)527-82-82

E-mail: [email protected]

   A. Ditkovska works for the department since 2000. She provides saving and proper state of textbooks, equipment and documentation

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