Greetings from Lisnyky!
There is no doubt that high-quality career guidance in school is impossible without the systematic work of all participants of pedagogical process. Information must not be given only by school psycologists, teachers, lecturers, but by the representatives of other institutions.
February, 24 2017 assistant of the department of English for technical and agrobiological specialties N. Hlukhovs’ka visited M.S. Hrushevs’kyi Lisnyky secondary school, Kyiv-Svyatoshyn district, Kyiv region.
Firstly N.Hlukhovs’ka told about the faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy at and all faculties and specialities of NULES, which open up significant prospects for professional and career growth of school graduates and the students’ academic mobility programme and relations with the Pomorian Academy (Poland).
N. Hlukhovska
Assistant of the Department of
English for technical and agrobiological specialties