The Student of Faculty of Economics Tetyana Valkevych: “My dream is to become Minister of Agrarian Policy, but that in the future”

March 14, 2017

 The Student of Faculty of Economics Tetyana Valkevych: “My dream is to become Minister of Agrarian Policy, but that in the future”
February 11, 2017

Our today talking with first-year student of Master’s degree “Applied Economics” Tetyana Valkevych. This girl impresses with her ambitious plans and actions. She is beautiful, clever and sane, the o group leader and wants to become highly skilled workers in the field of agricultural economics.

Why did you decide to be economist?

Today economists are needed everywhere - from large banks to small traders. Economist can offer the most effective strategy for the development of the enterprise, without such specialist good governance would be impossible. In the Government, the Ministry of Economics, analytical centers, research institutes the economists solve the global problem of economic policy formation, make economic forecasts, estimate growth rates of industries etc.

Why did choose The NULES of Ukraine?

Choosing a university for studding, I took into account the rating of Ukrainian universities. NULES of Ukraine is among the ten best universities in the country. Learned that professionals who are trained here have demanded decent wages, because Ukraine - an agricultural country.
In the Selection Committee received documents quickly and orderly. I want to note the special care, attention of workers who received the documents for which they appreciate. The Specialty "Applied Economics" has chosen by me because at this Master's Program lectured Vice Rector of academic and educational work. After studying a semester, I understand, has made the right choice. Also, the university is a serious prospect of the possibility of passing foreign practice.
So I am proud studding here.

What are the prospects of this profession, in your opinion?

Today in the country there are major changes and global reforms. I would like to be a part of these changes, and it needs to have high quality knowledge and skills, to be competitive in the labor market. This is my conscious step into the future. Master of Applied Economics could become governmental official in ministries, regional administrations, an expert on strategic management of projects and state programs, expert on the formation of national socio-economic development, an economist with forecasting the development of the national economy and work as a business expert, and consultant analyst for economic affairs in the structures of the agricultural sector. Of course, my dream is become a Minister of agrarian policy, but that in the future. In the meantime, the first step of my great dream I’m doing in The NULES of Ukraine.

Is the studding interesting? What are difficulties during the studding?

The first impression of the studding was a positive that for sure I’ll never forget. My special delight was a member of the group "European Studies". This makes it possible to actively participate in the research work of the Department of Global Economics. For a short time with active Department, we visited tours in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food Safety of Ukraine. Also, in such a short period of studding, I took part in international scientific seminar, which was held at the Department. It was interesting to talk with Polish professors, what were invited by Head of Department of Global Economics Natalia Vdovenko.
Speaking about difficulties, the secret is simple. You should only be independent and assertive and demanding in studding. Commitment to the profession, which is now in demand in the community, adds strength and no problem.

The talking was recorded by Violeta Heraymovych and Lesia Sokol

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