March 7, 2017

With the beginning of spring, the Department of English for technical and agrobiological specialties has intensified its activities on the vocational guidance of graduates of regional schools and colleges. On March 6, 2017, senior lecturerб Ph.D. Demianova Yu.O. visited several educational institutions of the city of Zaporozhzhia such as Zaporozhzhia Collegium "Small Humanitarian Academy", Zaporozhzhia Multidisciplinary Lyceum № 99, Zaporozhzhia specialized school of the I-III stages No. 40 with advanced study of English and Zaporozhzhia Pedagogical College. Future applicants received information about the peculiarities of the entrance campaign 2017, in particular –  about the admission to the faculty of the Humanities and Pedagogy, the international activities of the University, got acquainted with new specialities, the student life, academic, cultural and sporting activities, and also had the opportunity to watch the promotional video. The students also received informational materials and booklets about the University in order to discuss their professional choice together with their parents and teachers.

senior lecturer, Ph.D. Yu.O.Demianova

Press-centreRegional Educational Institutions (синій)To Applicants (синій)

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