Professorial - teaching staff

Associate professor of department of banking and insurance, Ph.D
Viktoria Kostyuk

Phone: (044) 527-88-90

Address: Educational building №10,
11 Heroyiv Oborony street, Kyiv, Ukraine 03041.

Citizenship: Ukrainian.
Date of birth: 30.03.1977р.
Education: Complete higher.
Scientific degree, scientific rank. Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate professor
Professional activities:
From 01.10.2003 to 01.09.2009 –assistant the Department of Banking NАU
From 01.09.2009 до 31.12.2010 –senior teacher of the Department of Finance NULES of Ukraine
- from 03.01.2011 to 30.11.2015 - Associate professor of the Department of Finance NULES of Ukraine
- from 1.12.2015 р. to now– Associate professor of the Department of Banking NULES of Ukraine
Theme of dissertation: 
Research priorities: Financial market development in Ukraine



Professor of department of banking and insurance, Doctor of economic sciences
Lybov Khudoliy

Phone: (044) 527-88-90

Address: Educational building №10,
11 Heroyiv Oborony street, Kyiv, Ukraine 03041.

Citizenship: Ukrainian.
Date of birth: 05.05.1953
Place of birth: Bryanka city, Luhansk region.
Education: Complete higher.
Scientific degree, scientific rank. Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor.
Professional activities:
1976-1977 – economist «Red poultry» (Lugansk region);
1977-1980 – graduate studies at the Ukrainian Scientific-Research Institute of Economics and Agriculture;
1981 – defended PhD thesis;
1980-1990 – worked as a junior, senior fellow UNDIEOSH;
1990-1994 – head of sector of preparations and marketing of agricultural products;
1998-1999 – department deputy director of pricing and market conditions of the Institute of Agricultural Economics;
2000-2008 – head of the Department of Finance and Banking at Private higher education institution «European University»;
2008- 2011 – professor of the Department of Finance of National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine;
2011-2013 – head of Tax and insurance Department;
2013-2015 – head of the Department of Finance and Credit;
2015 – head of Public Finance Department;
2015- November 2016 – head of Tax and Insurance Department;
November 2016 - present – head of fiscal policy and insurance Department.
Theme of dissertation: «The economic mechanism of formation and functioning of the grain market in Ukraine».
Research priorities: The development of financial services of the agricultural sector of Ukraine.
Awards and distinctions: Excellence in Education of Ukraine (2001), awarded by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (2006), Diploma of the Ministry of Economy and Trade of Ukraine (2015), the medal «For scientific and educational achievement», Education of Ukraine (2016). 


Associate professor of department of banking and insurance, Ph.D
Lidia Avramchuk

Phone: (044) 527-88-90

Address: Educational building №10,
11 Heroyiv Oborony street, Kyiv, Ukraine 03041.

Citizenship: Ukrainian.
Date of birth: 
Education: Complete higher.
Scientific degree, scientific rank. Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate professor.
Professional activities:
from 06.01.1997 to 02.18.2000's. - Assistant of Finance and Credit Department of NULES of Ukraine;
from 02.18.2000 to 01.09.2007 years. - Associate Professor of Banking Department of NULES of Ukraine;
from 01.09.2007 to 12.01.2015 - Associate Professor of Finance and Credit Department of NULES of Ukraine;
from 12.01.2015 to present date - Associate Professor of Banking Department of NULES of Ukraine.

Courses taught:

"Money and Credit" course for Bachelor-level students within specialties: "Accounting and Taxation", "Economy", "Finance, Banking and Insurance."
"Monetary Policy of NBU" for Master-level students within specialty "Finance, Banking and Insurance."
Research priorities: Deposit policy of banks as a holistic concept of their activities in the area of fundraising.



Associate professor of department of banking and insurance, Ph.D
Ruslana Mamchur

Phone: (044) 527-88-90

Address: Educational building №10,
11 Heroyiv Oborony street, Kyiv, Ukraine 03041.

Citizenship: Ukrainian.
Date of birth: 15.10.1976
Place of birth: Kyiv city.
Education: Complete higher.
Scientific degree, scientific rank. Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate professor
Professional activities:
1999-2006 – at graduate school of the National Agrarian University;
June 5, 2008 – defended PhD thesis on «Budgeting in the financial management of agricultural enterprises» and received the title of the candidate of economic sciences by specialty 08.00.04 – Economics and management of enterprises (by economic activity);
September 2006 – awarded the rank of assistant professor of tax and insurance;
December 2009 – was occupying a post of senior lecturer;
December 2010 – transferred to the position of assistant professor of tax and insurance department;
2010 and up to date – Associated professor of Fiscal policy and insurance department
Theme of dissertation: Budgeting in the financial management of agricultural enterprises
Research priorities: development of insurance market in the agricultural sector of Ukraine, risk management


Associate professor of department of banking and insurance
Oleksii Muravskiy

Phone: (044) 527-88-90

Address: Educational building №10,
11 Heroyiv Oborony street, Kyiv, Ukraine 03041.

Citizenship: Ukrainian.
Date of birth: 
Place of birth: 
Education: Complete higher.
Scientific degree, scientific rank. Associate professor
Professional activities:
Theme of dissertation: 
Research priorities: 


Associate professor of department of banking and insurance, Ph.D
Оlena Zharikova

Phone: (044) 527-88-90

Address: Educational building №10,
11 Heroyiv Oborony street, Kyiv, Ukraine 03041.

Citizenship: Ukrainian.
Date of birth: 09.06.1978
Education: Complete higher.
Scientific degree, scientific rank. Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate professor
Professional activities:
Powered by the department of banking from 2003 to the present. Since 2014 the position of assistant professor of banking.

Courses are taught: 

«Money and credit» for students of level «Bachelor» with training areas, «Accounting and Auditing», «Business Economics», «Finance and Credit» shorter course of study, «Marketing»; student level «Bachelor» field of study «International Management». «Financial market» for students «Bachelor» «Finance and Credit».
Theme of dissertation: 
Research priorities: Expert monetary valuation of the mortgage when lending to the agricultural sector of the economy



Associate professor of department of banking and insurance, Ph.D
Oleg Bronin

Phone: (044) 527-88-90

Address: Educational building №10,
11 Heroyiv Oborony street, Kyiv, Ukraine 03041.

Citizenship: Ukrainian.
Date of birth: 22.06.1975

Education: Complete higher.
Scientific degree, scientific rank. Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate professor
Professional activities:
from 09.01.1997 to 11.09.2003 - economist, senior economist, chief economist, deputy head of Financial Department, JSC "Energobank";
from 12.09.2003 to 31.08.2008 - Head of Securities Department, JSC "Energobank";
from 01.09.2008 to 24.12.2009 - Treasurer - Head of Securities, a member of the Board, the Credit Committee, the Assets and Liabilities Committee, JSC "Energobank";
from 01.03.2010 to 12.03.2010 - Advisor to the Chairman of the JSC "Ukrainian Innovation Bank";
from 13.03.2010 to 14.07.2013 - Treasurer, a member of the Board, the Credit Committee, the Assets and Liabilities Committee, JSC "Ukrainian Innovation Bank";
from 15.07.2013 to 29.01.2016 - Head of Securities Department, a member of the Credit Committee, the Assets and Liabilities, JSC "Ukrainian Innovation Bank";
from 09.01.2015 to 30.11.2015 - Assistant Professor of Finance Department (part-time), NUBiP;
from 01.12.2015 to 12.05.2016 - Assistant Professor of Banking Department (part-time), NUBiP;
from 12.05.2016 till now - Head of Planning and Financial Department, a senior lecturer of Banking Department (part-time), NUBiP.
Theme of dissertation: The economic mechanism of formation and functioning of the market of sunflower seeds in Ukraine
Research priorities: Liquidity management in bank. Risk management in bank. Monetary policy of the National Bank. Professional activities in the stock market.



Associate professor of department of banking and insurance, Ph.D
Olga Faichuk

Phone: (044) 527-88-90

Address: Educational building №10,
11 Heroyiv Oborony street, Kyiv, Ukraine 03041.

Citizenship: Ukrainian.
Date of birth: 10.06.1988
Place of birth: Kyiv region.
Education: Complete higher.
Scientific degree, scientific rank. Candidate of Economic Sciences, Senior Lecturer.
Professional activities:
2010 – Accountant at LLC «Volodarka-Kombikorm»;
2012-2016 – Assistant Teacher, Department of Tax and Insurance (Department of Public Finance, January 2015), National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine;
From 2016-2019 – Senior Teacher, Department of Fiscal Policy and Insurance.

From 2019 till now - Associate professor, Department of Banking and Insurance
Theme of dissertation: «Bank lending to innovative projects in agro-food production».
Research priorities: Bank lending to innovative projects in agro-food production, new vectors of innovative projects financing.

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