Запрошуємо до публікацій у науковому журналі “Science and Education”

March 6, 2017


Peer-reviewed academic journal “Science and Education” was founded in 1997 by the Southern Scientific Center of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine under the auspices of South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky.

Since 2014 the journal has been published by South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky (Ushynsky University).

It covers two fields of science - Education and Psychology.


Since 1997 we have published more than 100 issues containing articles of different researchers from more than 10 countries, who deal with general, applied, differential, cognitive, developmental, educational, social psychology, etc; as well as general, special, correctional, developmental, preschool, school pedagogy and pedagogy of higher education. 

The target audience of the journal is scholars, academicians, corresponding members, professors, doctors and candidates of sciences (PhDs), associate professors, doctoral students, post-graduate students, scientific workers, pedagogues, etc.


Incidence: nationwide & international.

Languages: English, Ukrainian, Russian.

Publication frequency: monthly.


“Science and education” is indexed in the following databases:

Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine;

Google scholar;

ULRICHS WEB Global Serials Directory;

Academic Resource Index (ResearchBib);


OAJI (Open Academic Journal Index);

PBN (Polska Bibliografia Naukowa);

Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) by Web of Science;

Index Copernicus.


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