Erasmus + in action. Preparing for the implementation of an exchange program in cooperation with the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

December 1, 2016

     On November, 30 Geir Loe (Geir Löe) came to our university on a business trip from Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), to consider issues of cooperation between the two universities in the framework of Erasmus +.

     The program Erasmus + aims at improving skills and employability of students and promoting competitiveness of the European economy, improving the teaching and learning quality, modernization of higher education in countries which are participants of the program, supporting Bologna process.

     First a discussion about prospects of development of cooperation between NUBiP of Ukraine and Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences took place. Vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical work, international activities and development of NUBIP of Ukraine Vadym Tkachuk participated in the discussion.

     Geir Loez learnt a lot about the work and activities of Institute of Forestry and Landscape Gardening. An issue of possible student exchange and young researchers’ training was considered too.

     Professor Petro Lakyda told the guest from Sweden about the history of the university and modern academic and research activities in the field of forestry, landscape, hunting and wood technologies.

     A trip to Boyarka forest research station was organised to learn about practical training of students. There are training subdivision, research laboratories and experimental objects there.
     Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences has been a strategic partner of National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine in the joint training of specialists in forestry for many years. 

     This autumn Ukrainian students selected were selected to study at Swedish University to obtain Master’s degree in the field of forestry.

Svitlana Bilous,
associate professor of the Department of
Dendrology and Forest Tree Breeding  

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