Performance of creative groups of NUBIP of Ukraine in the framework of the XXII International Agroindustrial Exhibition "Agro - 2010"

June 17, 2010

June 16, 2010 in the framework of the XXII International Agroindustrial Exhibition "Agro - 2010" creative groups of National University of Life and Environmental Sciences participated in the XIX International Festival "Musical colors of Ukraine" and the first round of the International Folk Festival "Origins of Cultures".

Bukovynskiy dance. Dance Group of Song and Dance Ensemble "Kolos". Artistic director of the ensemble - Honored Worker of Culture of Ukraine, assistant professor of cultural studies Stanislav Semenovskyiy. Staging - winner of international competitions, senior lecturer in cultural studies Valeriy Muzalov.

Aria from the opera Natalka Poltavka. Sing graduate of ERI of business Anna Kravchenko, class teacher - Honored Artist of Ukraine, assistant professor of cultural studies Natalia Shelepnytska.

"Nizhatynska polka". Winners of nationwide and international folk art festivals, Dance Ensemble "Pearl of Polissya" of Nijyn agrotechnological institute of NUBiP of Ukraine. Director and producer - Oksana Lysyzya.

Modern dance "Ponad hmaramy" Choreographic ensemble "Divochi suzirya". Stage director and choreographer - winner of international competitions, senior lecturer in cultural studies Olga Saurina.

Choreographic composition "Radist". Children's Studio under the Dance Ensemble "Pearl of Polissya" of Nijyn agrotechnological institute of NUBiP of Ukraine. Director and producer - Oksana Lysyzya.

Laureate of Nationwide competitions, student of agrobiological faculty Katerina Ivanova.

Italian dance "Tarantella." Choreographic ensemble "Divochi suzirya". Stage director and choreographer - Olga Saurina.

Winners of international and nationwide competitions male quintet "Amero". Director - Honoured Worker of Culture of Ukraine, senior lecturer in cultural studies Anna Karhaltseva.

Winners of National and International competitions, duo "Alma divina' within Irina Gorgo and Dmitryiy Andriyets.

Performance of ensembles of NUBiP of Ukraine on the presentation of our university at the exhibition "Agro - 2010, Pavilion number 2.

Laureate of Nationwide competitions, dance ensemble "Charivnist." Directors - Senior lecturer in cultural studies Makoda Svitlana and Alexei Chervinskyiy

Laureate of Nationwide competitions, the University Academic Choir. Artistic director and conductor - a senior lecturer in cultural studies Shkvarun Lubov


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