Cooperation With Kyiv Region Schools
In today's world requirements for the training of future specialists the Department of English for technical and agrobiological specialties continues the career-guidance activity among the future school leavers.
So, on December 1, 2016 Assistant of the Department of English for Technical and Agrobiological Specialities N. Hlukhovs’ka visited Hotiv educational complex "School I-III level - gymnasium," (Kiev-Svyatoshyn district, Kyiv region) and had career-oriented conversation with pupils.
At the beginning N. Hlukhovs’ka told about the faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy at NULES Ukraine and significant prospects for professional development.
Also teacher paid school leavers’ attention to the programme of students’ academic mobility.
Administration of the institution was interested in the opportunity of cooperation with the university therefore the result of the working visit was the signing of a cooperation agreement between the two educational institutions.
N. Hlukhovs’ka