Teachers and workers of the laboratory of biosensors presented their achievements at International Young Scientists Forum on Applied Physics and Engineering

November 3, 2016

     II international Forum of young researchers in the sphere of applied physics and engineering, YSF – 2016, took place in Kharkiv. The aim of this forum is to exchange the knowledge, experience and outcomes of researchers.

     More than 100 young researchers from eleven countries participated in this forum, among them there was a researcher of laboratory of biosensors of NUBIP of Ukraine, Andrii Karpiuk.


     Andrii says: “It was a nice opportunity to exchange and to share the experience, research outcomes and to discuss practical tasks and make decisions. Besides, we could obtain scientific knowledge, improve presentation skills and to establish contacts and moreover to have a good time, because after the conference all participants had a good excursion around the city.” 


     The number of participants has been growing over the years and now there are more than some thousands of people. 120 most interesting speakers from different countries such as the USA, Canada, Great Britain, France, Italy, Germany participated in Forum. 

Mariia Yarmola 

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