Greetings from Zhytomyr region!

November 13, 2016

In the terms of annual updating  the list of professions and specialties labor market requires highly qualified personnel. Career-guidance tutorials are actual and important among the Ukrainian school leavers because they are have no information about universities and specialties.
November 1, 2016 N.Hluhovs’ka assistant of the Department of English for Technical and Agrobilogical Specialities visited pupils of  11th form of  Malyn secondary school №3 and " Malyn secondary school  “School-Lyceum” №1 of   Zhytomyr region with career-guidance consultation about future career  and gave  detailed information about faculties and specialty of NULES of  Ukraine, and particularly  about the specialties  of the faculty of  humanities and pedagogy

assistant of the 
Department of English for Technical and Agrobilogical Specialities

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