25 years of cooperation: a memorandum on cooperation between NUBIP and University of Pennsylvania (the USA) has been prolonged!

October 11, 2016

    October 11, 2016. On this day the guest of our university was dean of College of Agricultural Sciences of University of Pennsylvania doctor Richard Roush. He was accompanied by Yurii Bihun, a WIRA coordinator, a program which supports agriculture. His visit aimed at the developing cooperation, renewing the ties, research projects exchange, students and faculty training. It is worth reminding that this work started 25 years ago when our University and University of Pennsylvania signed a memorandum on cooperation. By the way it was the first international agreement with an American higher educational establishment!

     Stanislav Nikolaienko, rector of our university greeted guests, learnt about their impressions about staying in Ukraine and briefly introduced NUBIP (our university is some years younger than an American one), our abilities, perspectives and plans. He emphasized the importance of the expansion of international ties, the increase in number of international students, developing new and renewing old contacts with foreign universities, specifically in the USA. Rector also told about the renewal of cooperation between our university and the University of Iowa. By the way University of Pennsylvania and University of Iowa have tight ties.

     Guests went on an excursion around the campus of our university. 

     Doctor Richard Rosh presented his educational establishment, told about areas where two universities can cooperate. Among these areas he mentioned forestry, ecosystems, tilting the soil without or before ploughing, etc. To further cooperate, Doctor Richard Rosh invited the administration of NUBIP to Pennsylvania in April 2017 in order to prolong the memorandum on cooperation between our universities.

     Rector presented Doctor Richard Rosh with a Ukrainian embroidered rushnyk and a decorative dish with petrykivka painting.

Valentyn Obrambalskyi 

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