Our University is establishing cooperation with Republic of Sierra Leone

October 13, 2016

     October 13. The delegation from Republic of Sierra Leone visited our university. The delegation is headed by Patrick Monty Jones, minister of agriculture, forestry and food safety of this country.

     Professor Jones is among the hundred most influential people in the world rated by Time in 2007. He is a well-known scientist, an honorary doctor of many universities in the UK, Belgium, Sierra Leone. He has been chair of the Global Forum on Agricultural Research for a long time. So his current visit to National University of Life and Environmental Sciences ofUkraine is not a fluke.

     Minister is accompanied by John Yambasu, Republic of Sierra Leone Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary in Ukraine, Arthur Solo Harvey, Member of Republic of Sierra Leone Parliament, Sheku Kamara, deputy head of the office of the Ministry of agriculture, forestry and food safety, Jah Khalil, coordinator of the national programs of the Ministry of Agriculture, forestry and food safety, Lamin Vamboy, head of the Office of Embassy, Lyudmila Rusalina, honorary consul of Sierra Leone in Kyiv. 

     The traditional focus of humanitarian cooperation between two countries is obtaining higher education at Ukrainian universities. At present 80 citizens of Sierra Leone are studying in Ukraine. But they are obtaining medical education. Rector StanislavNikolaienko emphasizes that this list can significantly beexpanded if to take into consideration the fact thatNUBiP has a great potential and that in the years of 1968-1973 students from Sierre Leone studied at Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.

     Minister Patrick Jones thanked the administration for the warm welcome and confirmed the intention to introduce cooperation in the sphere of training specialists of agriculture for his country at NUBiP.

Valentyn Obrambalskyi

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