Our university has signed an agreement with Shenyang Agricultural University

October 12, 2016

    National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine and Shenyang Agricultural University have signed a framework agreement on cooperation based on the Concept «One zone, оne way», which was initiated by head of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping.

     The subject of the agreement is cooperation in the sphere of training highly qualified workers, science integration, expansion and utilising leading agricultural technologies.

      The ceremony of signing agreements between agricultural universities took place in Shenyang, China on October 9. Our University was represented by scientific secretary Oksana Baranovska and professor Semen Tanchyk. There were representatives from Bulgarian Agricultural University in Plovdiv, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Mongolian University of Life Sciences, Kyrgyz National Agrarian University, St. Petersburg State Agrarian University.

     Delegations took part in the opening of a laboratory of soonoses and a demonstration park of protected ground horticulture in Shenyang Agricultural University. The issue of possible further cooperation between universities was discussed in groups. Scientists from Shenyang Agricultural University are ready to cooperate in the domains of planting, gardening, protected ground planting, energetics, livestock and veterinary.

Volodymyr Afanasenko,
deputy director of Educational and
Scientific Centre for International Activity 

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