The Conference "Animal production and meat processing in Ukraine 2010"

May 27, 2010

Association Ukrainian Agribusiness Club (UCAB) and AgriEvent agency organize the Conference "Animal production and meat processing in Ukraine 2010" on the May 27, 2010.

The main objective of the conference is to evaluate the current situation in Ukrainian livestock sector, opportunities of investments in the most attractive branches of animal production, competition environment and further development of meat market.

The General Sponsor of the conference is ТМ «Indelica»

The Sponsors of the conference are: Biomin Ukraine, British Pig Association, MPS (Meat Processing Systems), AgroAnimalShow'2011, «Tul’chinmjaso» Ltd (Terra food company).

The main agrarian magazines and newspapers  are inform sponsors: magazine «Mjasnoe delo» (Meat business), magazine «Meat business», magazine «Ukrainian livestock», magazine «Prodovolcha industria APK» (Agrarian food industry), magazine «Tvarynnyctvo siogodi» (Livestock production today), magazine «Zerno» (Grain), magazine «Agroekspert» (Agrarian expert), All Ukrainian newspaper «Agrobiznes kurier» (Agro business courier), All Ukrainian newspaper «Agrarnik» (Agararian), magazine «Agrobiznes Ukraina» (Agro business Ukraine), magazine «Agropartner» (Agrarian partner), newspaper «Agrarnuiy tyzhden. Ukraina» (Agrarian Week. Ukraine), TV group «ESG», UBR (Ukrainian business sours) and inform agency «Ukrainian news».

The companies «Ramburs» Ltd, «Kozatinskiy mjasocombinat» (Kozatin Meat factory), «Burat-Agro» Ltd, Chernigiv industrial milk company, «Tul’chinmjaso» Ltd (Terra food company), TYCHE Ukraine LLC and others already confirm the participation.

We expect for coming of more than 100 participants from the companies that produce meat in live and carcass weight, about 20 representatives from the leading mass media of the sector and about 30 representatives of official authorities, from education and science part as well.

Organizers:                    Association “Ukrainian Agribusiness Club”

AgriEvent Agency

Ukrainian quality and safety laboratory of agricultural products

National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine 

Supported by:               Ministry of Agricultural Policy of Ukraine


May 27, 2010, 8-30- 18-00    


Ukrainian quality and safety laboratory of agricultural products  

Кievo-Svyatoshynskiy rajon, Chabany village, Mashinostroiteley str, 7

Working languages:

English / Ukrainian - Russian (Simultaneous translation)


In case you have any questions regarding the Conference «Animal production and meat processing in Ukraine -2010» please contact Anatoliy Tsyrkun, project manager of UCAB, phones: +380 44 236-62-56, +380 44 238-05-40, mobile: +380  67 656-83-32 or e-mail:[email protected].


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