US Forest Service and NUBIP conducted the first coordination meeting on preventing and extinguishing forest fires in the exclusive zone

September 22, 2016

     The first National Coordination meeting on improving the prevention and extinguishing forest fires in the exclusion zone was held on September, 22-23 2016. Heads of the State Agency of Ukraine on exclusion zone management, the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, representatives of Administration of President of Ukraine, Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine, Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine and other relevant departments participated in this meeting.


     The meeting was organized by the Eastern Regional Fire Monitoring Center, which operates on the basis of Education and Research Institute of Forestry and Park Gardening, US Forest Service and US Embassy in Ukraine. Representatives of the Global Fire Monitoring Center (Freiburg, Germany) and OSCE participated as observers.



     Within the framework of bilateral cooperation between NUBiP of Ukraine and US Forest Service there will be held three more national coordination meetings to develop and approve a new procedure to prevent and extinguish fires in the exclusion zone involving interagency effort at government level. Camcorders will be set for early fire detection in the exclusion zone and special protective clothing for forest firefighters will be purchased as part of this cooperation. Several trainings for Ukrainian firefighters are planned involving leading specialists from the USA.




Serhii Zibtsev,
head of Regional Eastern European centre of fire monitoring

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