17 October 2016, 17:58

By a fluke on Saturday 15, the teachers of the Department of English Language for Technical and Agrobiological specialties Oksana Ivanova and Oleksandr Polishchuk attended the seminar «Smart board – I can do it» by Express Publishing (ELT consultant Natalia Liashko) and took an active part in training. After the seminar Oksana Ivanova and Oleksandr Polishchuk conducted a career-guidance session with teacher from school # 211.
Oleksandr Polishchuk told about the specialties of the Faculty of the Humanities and Pedagogy. Oksana Ivanova described in details the philological branch of the faculty. Then she told about double diplomas and cooperation with Pomeranian Academy (Slupsk, Poland), about overseas practices and students' life in the university.
Teachers were informed about the several seminars and training for English teachers in the NULES of Ukraine and about British Council winter and summer schools etc.
After the training teachers of the Department made an agreement with Natalia in the scope of mutual seminars and master-classes on the basis of our university.
So, the day was very productive. We extend our appreciation to Express Publishing and in particular to Natalia Liashko for interesting information and hospitality. We are looking forward to the future meetings.


O. Ivanova
O. Polishchuk

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