Language Club - a step to overcome language barriers

September 23, 2016

     On September 23, 2016 the students of Faculty of the Humanities and Pedagogy and Faculty of Agricultural Management welcomed Olexiy Khodakivskyi, an official representative of the Ukrainian public organization "KEMPUS" . The atmosphere of the meeting was friendly and warm. During his opening speech, dean of the faculty professor Vasily Shynkaruk focussed on the importance of linguistic mobility in modern society. The faculty is continually looking for opportunities to help students overcome language barrier by organizing various activities and attracting foreign partners. This year the university conducted extensive work to organize language courses free of charge.

     Olexiy Khodakivskyi spoke about the areas of activities and specifics of the language club, about native speakers from the USA who are going to conduct courses. Every day during two weeks, members of the language club are supposed to communicate with native speakers on various topics, watch and discuss English films. The main objective of the language club is to help students overcome the language barrier and learn to speak a foreign language fluently. 




Vasyl Kovalchuk,
deputy dean
Faculty of the Humanities and Pedagogy

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