Representatives of Science Park of NULES of Ukraine Discussed Cooperation Opportunities with Japanese Businessmen

April 22, 2016

     On April 18, 2016 during the visit to Ukraine, a delegation of influential representatives of Japanese society under the leadership of former Minister of Finance of Japan Takayosi Tanyhuchi held the meeting with the directors of Science parks of the Ukrainian universities. Director of Science Park "Sustainable environmental management and quality of life" of NULES of Ukraine Viktor Teslyuk took part in it.

     The membership of Japanese delegation includes representatives of businesses and scientific-research institutes, which are considering the possibility of innovation and investment activity in our country. National scientific and technological association of Ukraine, with Science park of NULES of Ukraine being its co-founder, takes care of arranging the program of the stay of Japanese delegation in Kyiv.
     The major interests of scientific and business elite of Japan in Ukraine were discussed at the meeting; managers of Science parks got acquainted with the main activities and possibilities of joint implementation of innovative technologies. The Japanese party was particularly interested in growing the organic food and recycling the wastes for producing fertilizers.

Nataliia Olar,
Project Manager of Science Park


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