University scholars discussed the ways to ensure high profitability of poultry during the international workshop

February 16, 2016

     “Modern Poultry” journal, issued by the Chair of Technology in Poultry, Pig and Sheep Breeding of NULESU, supported by the association “Union of Poultry Breeders of Ukraine” on February 12, within the International exhibition of the effective Animal and Poultry Breeding “AGROANIMALSHOW” held the 2nd International Workshop “Ways of ensuring high profitability of Poultry Breeding”. Among its 70 members – experts of poultry enterprises of different forms of ownership, executives and managers of manufacturers and distributors of veterinary products, feed, feed additives, equipment, researchers of research institutes.

     A welcoming speech was addressed to the audience by the Chief Editor of “Modern poultry” – Professor Vitaliy Boroday. The results of the industry in 2015 were reported by the Executive Director of the association “Union of Poultry Breeders of Ukraine” Serhiy Karpenko. On the state and prospects of poultry breeding in Kyiv Oblast the participants were informed by Mykola Zherebov – Chairman of PA “Kyivptahoprom” Oleksiy Kovalenko, Director General of NPP “Ariadna”, identified the ways to improve the profitability of poultry products manufacturing by using feed additives and medical premixes TM “Biokorr”, which the company produces. The need for prevention of poultry salmonellosis was mentioned in the report of Larysa Konoval – Director of “Alpha-Vet” LLC. How the breeding work is conducted with crosses of chickens of Hungarian company “Babolna Tetra” was dwelled upon by Zoltan Horvat (“Babolna Tetra”, Hungary). Professor Ruslan Buryak said that marketing is a key factor for success of the poultry breeding companies.


    The workshop also discussed new informational technologies in poultry breeding, energy efficiency programs for agriculture, evaluating the effectiveness of vaccines of Ukrainian production and foreign counterparts, use of essential oils as an alternative to antibiotics in poultry breeding, use of complex enzyme compositions in poultry breeding, etc.


Victoria Melnyk,
Assistant Professor of Technology in Poultry,
Pig and Sheep Breeding


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