Конференція в Словакіїї

February 1, 2016

With a great pleasure, I would like to extend a warm invitation to member of the academic society, industry, government and other relevant institutions to participate at thirteen year of International Scientific Days 2016 conference entitled "The Agri-Food Value Chain: Challenges for Natural Resources Management and Society".


The conference will be held in Nitra, the Slovak Republic on May 19 -20, 2016.


The purpuse of the conference is to provide a unique international conference to facilitate discussion of current issues and exchange of cutting - edge information ideas and innovative solutions. The conference will encourage the transfer of knowledge between academia and industry.


For detailed information ad registration see the conference web page


We would like to invite also doctoral students of your faculty on the International Scientific Doctoral Conference which will take place during the conference.


Oleksandr Labenko,
Vice Dean of Economics Faculty



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