The best life sciences university in the world – Wageningen University (Netherlands): we learn from its experience
The best life sciences university in the world – Wageningen University (Netherlands): we learn from its experience
March 8, 2025
Rector of the University Vadym TKACHUK on March 6-7, was on a business trip to the University of Wageningen (Netherlands), where he met with the rector Professor Carolien KROEZE and took part in events on the occasion of the 107th anniversary (Dies Natalis) of the creation of Wageningen University.

As a result of the meeting, it was agreed to continue cooperation within the framework of the ERASMUS + KA171 student mobility program and implement a project to increase the potential of scientists from NUBiP of Ukraine in writing project applications.

During the meeting of rectors, the peculiarities of the organization of the educational process and research activity of Wageningen University were discussed, combining two structures: Wageningen University (educational component) and Wageningen Research University (research component). For example, the budget of the university as a whole falls to 914 million Euros, including the educational component of 495 million. Euros and research — 419 million Euros, respectively. Even for the Netherlands, the Wageningen University model is unique. What is particularly interesting is that the educational component of the budget includes only 44 million Euros, that is, less than 10% of tuition fees. Direct and indirect government funding is 345 million Euros.
The structure of the university does not include faculties, but consists of scientific groups in the relevant areas: agricultural technology and food sciences, animal husbandry, environmental sciences, crop production, social sciences. The budget of each group is formed and used separately, but it should be noted that all these groups are functioning quite successfully.
By the way, Wageningen University offers 20 Bachelor's and 31 master's programs. The approach to organizing the educational process is unique, where there is no clear division into lectures and seminars/laboratory classes and group project work of students and individual tasks of students dominate. In the preparation of Masters, in the second year of study, a six-month internship is provided at the enterprise, which the students should find independently. The curriculum is usually based on a multidisciplinary approach. Wageningen University also offers more than 150 micro-credit courses and certificate programs.

Interesting is the technology transfer platform, which is coordinated by the Knowledge Transfer Center, where business, financial institutions, research groups of the University, and innovation centers work closely together. The result of such cooperation is the creation of startups, which also brings additional income to the University.
Earth System and Global Change group leader and Global Change Professor Hanna van Zanten presented the group's research areas to the delegation of NUBIP of Ukraine. The group consists of more than 100 scientists.

Head of Central and Eastern Europe at Wageningen University Vanya SIMEONOVA presented prospects for scientific cooperation between NUBiP of Ukraine and Wageningen University on the basis of EU programs and the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

Professor Maryna STROKAL presented the results of work within the framework of the HORIZON EUROPE Path4Med project, which is being implemented jointly with 26 universities, research institutions and companies, including NUBIP of Ukraine.
Professor of the Environmental policy group Sigrid WERTHEIM-HECK presented the results of the joint with NUBiP project «Household life experience for the future sustainable management of the agri-food system.»

Rector Vadym TKACHUK also met with previous rectors of Wageningen University professor Arthur MOL and Martin KROFF. The latter has been an honorary Doctor of the NUBiP of Ukraine since 2007.

At the celebration of the 107th anniversary of the founding of Wageningen University, the main topic of the key report was the development and application of artificial intelligence. In her opening speech, the rector of Wageningen University noted the achievements of the University. In particular, Wageningen University has been number one in the National University Ranking for 20 consecutive years and has been the world leader in the Green Metric UI ranking for three consecutive years. The university is also launching a new Bachelor's program «Data science for global challenges», which aims to create solutions for global changes using artificial intelligence and data science.

During the event, the key speaker Professor Andrea RIZZOLI director of the Institute of artificial intelligence, University of Applied Sciences and Arts in southern Switzerland, presented a report on artificial intelligence for a sustainable future.