The University is hosting the delegation from the Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences and the University of Iowa

August 31, 2015

     On the eve of the Day of Knowledge the delegations of partner Universities - Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences (Poland) and University of Iowa (USA) visited our University. The first was led by the Rector Professor Roman Kolacz. He was accompanied by Professor Tadeusz Schulz and Josef Nitspon. Professor Douglas Keneli and lecturer Jody Cornel came to us from the United States.

     At a meeting with the University rector Stanislav Nikolaenko the parties exchanged their views on the situation in the world and particularly in Ukraine. Despite the actual state of war, our University keeps on working and developing, preparing highly qualified personnel.



     Professor Roman Kolacz described the cooperation between the department of Veterinary Medicine of NULES of Ukraine and Wroclaw University of life and environmental sciences as productive. It lasts for more than 15 years. During this time about 30 young scholars from our University have gone through the in-depth training under the Professor Stanislaw Tolpa Scholarship Program in Poland. Over the past few years every year 5 students of our department of veterinary medicine have gone through a two-week practice there. During the discussion the proposal to expand cooperation - in the field of agronomy, livestock and aquatic biological resources was supported.



     It was also agreed on visiting Wroclaw by the representatives of our educational and research enterprises to exchange experience and introduce market mechanisms of their functioning.



     The program of our American colleagues’ staying will be extensive as well. So, tomorrow all of them will participate in celebrating the Day of Knowledge. And from September 2 Professor Keneli will deliver lectures for students of the department of livestock and aquatic biological resources. Guests will also be able to visit the Museums of Anatomy, forest animals and birds, botanical garden and the chair of horse breeding and beekeeping. As part of continued cooperation between the Universities and after cessation of military actions in the East a wider exchange of instructors and students is expected. In particular, a practice of conducting the joint research is very useful.

Valentyn Obrambalskyi


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