Statement of the Academic Council: «Let's join forces to preserve our state! No violence against Ukraine!»

March 9, 2025
Recently, Ukraine has become a testing ground for unprecedented external influences aimed at eliminating our independence, statehood and sovereignty.
The staff of NUBiP of Ukraine consistently stand for defending the integrity of the state. Dozens of volunteers — staff, students, hundreds of volunteers stood up for the state. The university staff transferred more than 55 million hryvnias to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine, sent dozens of humanitarian supplies. More than one hundred and fifty students, graduates, and staff returned on the mortal shield from the battlefield. Eternal memory to them!
Recent events in the world: russia's aggression, an attempt to accuse Ukraine of starting a war, support for this narrative by the US administration, an attempt to shift all responsibility to the Ukrainian authorities — cannot be recognized by scientists and faculty, students and employees.
Ukraine has a world-recognized status and a long history and since 1949, our country has been a member of the United Nations. The Budapest Memorandum, Helsinki Agreements, UN Charter, all international legal documents guarantee us integrity and sovereignty.
We support legally elected state authorities — the president, the government, the Parliament — in their quest to protect the country, Peace and Victory!
No one has the right to solve our problems behind our backs!
We call on our allies from all over the world, especially from the European Union, the people of the United States of America, our Ukrainian people, all political forces, and the public to unite and work together to protect our state.


Approved unanimously
at the meeting of the Academic Council of NUBiP of Ukraine

on February 27, 2025 

Press-centreRegional Educational Institutions (синій)To Applicants (синій)

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