Guest lecture for students of the faculty of plant protection, biotechnology and ecology by Dr. Francesc Rodriguez on the topic «European approaches to environmental education: Reflecting on green and sustainable transitions»

March 7, 2025
Training modern competitive specialists requires the involvement of experts from different communities: academic, scientific and industrial. Interaction with international specialists also plays an important role.
As part of the systematic work carried out at the faculty of plant protection, biotechnology and ecology, in this direction, on February 26, 2025, a guest lecture was held by Francesc RODRIGUEZ (Dr. Francesc G. Rodríguez) associate professor of the Brandenburg University of Technology on the topic «European approaches to environmental education: Reflecting on green and sustainable transitions».
The lecture was attended by applicants of EL «Master», EL «Bachelor» of specialties 101 «Ecology», 162 «Biotechnology and bioengineering» and 202 «Plant protection and quarantine», as well as research and teaching staff to exchange teaching experience.
The material presented by the lecturer can be divided into two parts: a report and an interactive reflection of the audience on its content. In his report, Francesc Rodriguez reflected the main stages of formation of environmental education in Europe: from «education about the environment» (learning and acquiring knowledge), «education in the environment» (using the external environment as a place for learning, education based on personal experience through outdoor learning) to«education for the environment» (a sense of responsibility for solving environmental problems; an action-oriented approach; empowerment).
He focused his main attention on environmental education for the sustainability of a society, the main components of which are: 1) problem-based learning; 2) action; 3) active learning; 4) critical education. It is especially relevant for understanding the basic principles and ways to implement the European strategy of Green course (The European Green Deal) and achieving the goals of sustainable development of society.
After presenting the main material, the lecturer offered the audience to join the interactive program, related to the implementation of the principles of sustainability. The students and teaching staff present were divided into four groups and received tasks. They spent 10 minutes thinking about an individual problem that affects the achievement of sustainability criteria. They shared their thoughts and identified common themes in their experience. And, later on, they identified actors (stakeholders) who could contribute to solving the problem of sustainable development (at the local, national and even international levels). Participants discussed who should take responsibility for sustainable development actions (for example, the local population, civil society activists, politicians, business leaders, scientists, etc.).
Students took an active part in the discussion and expressed their position on the prospects for achieving the sustainable development goals. They actively asked questions to the lecturer on various topics.
The staff of the faculty of plant protection, biotechnology and ecology express their sincere gratitude to Mr. Francesc RODRIGUEZ for the lecture and future cooperation.
head of the department of ecology
agrosphere and environmental control
Maryna LADYKA,
associate professor of the department of
ecology of the agrosphere and
environmental control


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