NUBiP’s team of the EU Horizon Path4Med project: a meeting scheduled on the development of the Demonstration Site in Ukraine
NUBiP’s team of the EU Horizon Path4Med project: a meeting scheduled on the development of the Demonstration Site in Ukraine

February 28, 2025
EU Horizon Path4Med project ( is to provide high-quality, consistent data on water and soil pollution within the Mediterranean agro-hydro system.
According to the scheduled meetings, on 26 February 2025, the NUBiP team had regular monthly meetings. The main purpose of this meeting was to clarify the achievements of the third water sampling trip and the chosen categorized stakeholders for solving water and soil pollution in the Dnipro River Basin.
Our Ukrainian Demonstration Site (D.G.3) «Future pathways for zero pollution in Dnipro Basin under emerging challenges and threats» refers to identifying synergetic solutions to avoid water-related environmental issues and exploring effective scenarios for reducing challenges on water such as war activities, climate change impacts, and others.
It is worth mentioning that water quality in the Dnipro River Basin faces many challenges, such as eutrophication, emerging pollution, and water scarcity for different sectors. Furthermore, these challenges are linked to diffuse pollution and land degradation. Meanwhile, diffuse sources of pollution address food security and soil health.
According to this, the NUBiP team is working on assessing agricultural policies, institutions, and markets (PIM) related to the diffusion of technologies and practices in agriculture and water use in the Dnipro River Basin of Ukraine (WP2); collecting weather databases, climate projections, and water indicators assessment (WP3); conducting water seasonally monitoring in Dnipro Basin River such as Desna subbasin and Middle Subbasin (WP3); selecting and categorizing stakeholders relevant in the context of soil and water pollution in Dnipro Basin, their mapping and analyzing (WP5).

At this meeting, Vita Strokal, the coordinator of the Ukrainian part of the Path4Med project, presented the main results of the NUBiP team's work over the previous month. She showed pictures of the third water sampling trip, which was on 14-16 February. She also highlighted the progress of stakeholders' mapping and categorizing to solve water and soil pollution in the Dnipro River Basin. In addition, Oleksandr Labenko, the coordinator of the Ukrainian part of the Path4Med project, noted the results of assessing agricultural policies, institutions, and markets (PIM) related to the diffusion of technologies and practices in agriculture and water use in the Dnipro River Basin of Ukraine.

After reviewing the data, Larysa Voitenko explained that water quality indicators such as dissolved oxygen and nutrients are potentially significant and could influence water quality in the Dnipro River Basin. Maryna Ladyka pointed out that Reservoirs in the Dnipro Cascades have specific hydrological and geomorphological conditions that can impact water quality. During the discussion, Olena Naumovska emphasized the main innovative practices that can be implemented in agriculture.

In summary, Vita Strokal said that this meeting was productive and progressive. She also thanked the team for conducting working tasks and performing them well.
Oleksandr LABENKO & Vita STROKAL,
coordinators of the Ukrainian part
of the Path4Med project