Rector Vadym Tkachuk took part in the celebration of the 80th anniversary of Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun

February 19, 2025
February 19, 2025 rector of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine Vadym Tkachuk participated in the celebrations on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the founding of Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Poland.

The celebration of the University day began with the laying of flowers at the monument to Nicolaus Copernicus on the occasion of the 552nd anniversary of the astronomer's birth. The academic procession, open to all comers, moved to the Old Town Square from the Jordanian cultural and congress Center. It was headed by the rector of Nicolaus Copernicus University Andrzej Tretyn.

Then the celebrations moved to the village, where the university community was joined by a large group of distinguished guests, in particular the minister of Science and higher education Martsin Kulasek deputies, representatives of local authorities, as well as rectors who took part in the meeting of the Conference of rectors of Polish universities the day before.

The minister, guests, colleagues and partners, expressing their best wishes to the university community on the occasion of the anniversary, emphasized the latest achievements of the University: constant presence in the most important international rankings, the status of a research university, membership in European alliances, investment in infrastructure, the development of the educational offer and scientific achievements, etc.

Rector of NUBiP of Ukraine Vadym Tkachuk congratulating his colleagues on the anniversary, wished them success and further prosperity and noted that our universities are united by long-term partnerships. It is relevant to conduct academic exchanges, implement internship programs, and conduct joint scientific research. It would soon be agreed to specify the areas at the level of the rector's office and deans of faculties.

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