Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra is interested in cooperation with NULES

July 13, 2015

 The representatives of leading Ukrainian university interested in active cooperation

     To seek new opportunities for a cooperation, to obtain the current information about educational and research activities of the SUA and also to introduce the new trends to their university were the main purposes of the visit of the five-member delegation from the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences (NULES) in Kiev, Ukraine, led by Rector prof. Stanislav Nikolayenko M., held on June 30. The guests were welcomed by the Rector Dr.h.c. prof. Ing. Peter Bielik, PhD., and Vice-Rector for Science and Research prof. Ing. Ján Gaduš, PhD. The meeting was also attended by the student of NULES Yulia Pokotylo, now she studies at the Faculty of Economics and Management of SUA.
     Both universities are connected by a long-term cooperation, the first Agreement of Cooperation was signed 50 years ago. NULES is one of the leading universities in science and education in Ukraine. Currently more than 26 thousand students study at its four educational and research institutions and 13 faculties. At the doctoral level there are more than 600 students. “The situation at the Ukrainian universities is currently difficult, especially in the field of applied research. We would appreciate an active cooperation in all fields – education, science and research, international projects and programmes, active implementation of academic mobility of students, graduates, lecturers, creation of joint scientific articles and publications, information networks and data banks, exchange of existing materials and education technologies,” said the Rector S. Nikolayenko. According to him, one of the possibility of cooperation for example is the establishment of joint research centres for basic and applied research and the creation of a joint Slovak-Ukrainian business incubator.
     Rector prof. Peter Bielik said that the SUA will assist NULES in all areas of education, research, implementation of staff and student mobility within the bilateral agreement or European programmes, for example through the Erasmus+ and so on. He also represented the project the Building of Research Centre “AgroBioTech” and its aims and objectives. He also presented the opportunities for Ukrainian researchers to participate in the activities of the newly built centre. He highlighted the cooperation of the SUA with Louisiana State University in the USA which experts share their skills and experiences about the functioning of the food incubator with the experts from the SUA.
     Finally, the Memorandum about the Cooperation between the SUA and NULES was signed. The cooperation will be implemented through various activities such as the joint research activities and publications in scientific journals of both universities, the exchange of students, lecturers and staff, the participation in conferences, seminars and scientific meetings, short-term academic programmes, the preparation of joint study programmes and the like.
    After the meeting with the representatives of Ukrainian guests, they attended another work programme of at SUA. Within the programme they also met doc. Ing. Ján Brindza, CSc. – the director of the Institute of Biodiversity Conservation and Biosafety of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resources and with   Dr.h.c. doc. Ing. Mária Kadlečíkova, CSc. from the Department of Management of the Faculty of Economics and Management.
Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra


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