Under the program of double diplomas the Warsaw University of Life Sciences hosted the first defense of Master's papers

July 9, 2015

     July 8, 2015, the TSI of Energy, Automation and Energy Saving became a landmark date for summarizing international cooperation of our University and the Warsaw University of Life Sciences – the first and successful defense of a Master's thesis "Application of tracking algorithms using PI-regulators to operate the helicopter system" under the DoubleDegree program by the student of our University Rostyslav Batsenko (supervisors, assistant professor of the chair of Acad. Martynenko I.I. automation and robotics systems Reshetiuk V.M. and professor Pavev Obstavski from SGGW). The joint Master Program was created by combining two master specializations curricula "Agricultural Electrification and automation" and "Renewable Energy» (SGGW, Poland).
     The way to the first defense of master diplomas under the international program of double diplomas has needed hard work over the last 4 years – coordination between the universities-partners of the principles of structure, creating a joint master's program, its approval in the universities, preparation and publication by the international group of authors of a manual, mutual training of instructors and students, joint organization of scientific conferences, etc.

     By the order of the dean of the department of engineering products SGGW Tomasz Nurek and director of TSI of Energy, Automation and Energy Saving Kozyrskyi V.V. (which is provided by a common agreement) an international examination board for holding the procedure of defending the master papers has been created, including:
• Prof. Tomasz Nurek, dean of the department of products engineering - chairman, SGGW;
• Prof. V. Kozyrskyi, director of TSI of Energy, Automation and Energy Saving - reviewer, NULES of Ukraine;
• Prof. Pavev Obstavski, head of the master's paper from SGGW;
• Prof. Andrzej Hohovski - reviewer, SGGW;
• Assoc. V. Reshetiyuk, head of the master's paper from NULES of Ukraine.

     Paper defense was successful with the grade of 4.55 (equivalent to "excellent"). The examination board unanimously decided – to assign a master's level qualification of engineer in energy and automation of bio-systems to Rostyslav Batsenko and issue a SGGW diploma, Poland.

     An interesting process for us was the defense of the master's paper, which lasted about an hour. The defense process started from receiving by the student 60 questions from a base (cover all disciplines of the program) 2 questions (choice of questions is done by the computer), after receiving these questions the paper is presented in way of a report according to a prepared presentation, urgency of topic is grounded, analysis of research in the world is made, regulatory materials are submitted, the results of theoretical and experimental research on the topic and analysis are presented. Then the student answers the questions about the paper presented, and then answers the questions proposed by the computer. The examination board chaired by the dean of the department of products engineering determines and puts the grade of the paper defended. The members of the examination board take into account all aspects of student learning when grading - quality of the paper performed, report itself, level of answers to the questions, language skills. The total grade is as follows: ½ average score at master study, plus ¼ evaluation of answers to exam questions, plus ¼ evaluation of the master's paper. As a result, the above grade was obtained. Defense procedure of the Master’s paper can be found at this link.

     As a result of implementing this multifaceted international cooperation we may state - the Institute staff and students have passed all processes of forming the Double Degree programs, actively improve the quality of learning process and work on the recognition of our university worthy place in the system of higher education in Europe.

     TSI of energy, automation and energy saving would like to thank the staff that accompanied from the very birth all processes of international cooperation and the joint training program with the Warsaw University of Life Sciences - Associate Reshetyuk V.M., Radko I.P., Bolbot I.M., Shcherbatyuk V.L. and Professors Tomasz Nurek - dean of the department of products engineering, SGGW, Andrzej Hohovski - head of SGGW chair.

V.V. Kozyrskyi,
Director of TSI of Energy, Automation and Energy Saving, Professor


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