Meeting of members of the student scientific DNA Leader Club of the Department of Management named after Professor J. S. Zavadskyi with Yaroslav Alekseichuk, Marketing Director (CMO), and with Marina Bondar, Human Resources Director (CPO), KOSMOTECH compa

November 12, 2024

On November 12, 2024, a meeting of members of the student scientific DNA Leader Club of the Department of Management named after Professor J. S. Zavadskyi with Yaroslav Alekseichuk, Marketing Director (CMO), and with Marina Bondar, Human Resources Director (CPO), KOSMOTECH company took place. 

DNA Leader Club is a student scientific club of the Department of Management named after Professor J. S. Zavadskyi of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, where young people develop their creative and professional abilities, in particular through meetings with business representatives.

“How to become a bad manager.” Instructions from Marketing Director Yaroslav Alekseichuk. The bold title hid no less exciting content from the top manager of Kosmotech. Yaroslav told future managers how not to become a manager who demotivates. Instead, through the prism of an antagonist, he told what traits a true leader who inspires, supports, and energizes the entire team should have.«Як стати поганим менеджером».

Marina Bondar, Human Resources Director of the Kosmotech (CPO), spoke on the extremely relevant topic for future specialists, “Job Search: How to Achieve a Match with an Employer.” She told us what to look for when studying information about a company, what employers value in candidates, how to successfully pass an interview, and why people-centricity is a key element of a successful business.
The meeting was lively and interactive: young people not only listened attentively, but also asked questions. The authors of the most interesting questions were awarded with gifts from the company.


We thank the representatives of Kosmotech for taking the time and opportunity to share their experience with future professionals. Together we inspire young people and help shape a new generation of leaders in Ukraine!

Olga Timchenko,
Associate Professor of the Department of Management named after Professor J. S. Zavadskyi

Translated Oksana Havrysh



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