Educational and Informative Excursions for Students of the MTF, ABF, and ERI EAE at the Botanical Garden, and Virtually

7 November 2024, 10:10

In the fall, Assistant Lecturer M.O. Tuzyuk organized educational and informative excursions for students of the Mechanical and Technological Faculty (Ai-2402, AT-2405), the Agrobiological Faculty (Agr-2403), and the Educational and Research Institute of Energy, Automation, and Energy savings (Akitr-2401, EEE-2402). These excursions included visits to the botanical garden and virtual tours on the history of grain harvesting. The event aimed to deepen students' knowledge of botany, technologies, and the cultural heritage of the agricultural sector.

First-year students from the MTF and ERI EAE had the opportunity to visit the botanical garden, where they explored the diversity of the plant world. They learned about modern methods of cultivating and preserving crops, as well as environmental protection technologies. Students studied the structure of the garden, the collection of rare species, and the interconnection of plant ecosystems and their significance for agriculture.


Meanwhile, first-year students from the ABF participated in virtual excursions focusing on the history of grain harvesting. During this virtual journey, students learned how people cultivated and harvested grain crops in ancient times, what tools were used, and how harvesting methods evolved to the current level of automation.

Both formats of the excursions contributed to expanding students’ knowledge in their respective fields. The botanical and virtual tours allowed students to deepen their understanding of the relationship between crop production and innovative technologies in agribusiness, as well as appreciate the cultural significance of the history of agricultural production.

Mykhailo TUZIUK

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